Please Note: our policies and procedures are subject to change. We actively review any new guidelines and adjust our actions as necessary. The below information is updated as of July 15, 2022.
As always, the safety of our kids, staff, and extended Tsula Adohi community is our top priority. We are closely reviewing and following guidelines for COVID-19 and updating how we run the school and farm based on guidance from the CDC and other medical and health organizations.
CDC Guidelines on Quarantine
If your child has tested positive for COVID-19
If someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19
Q: Is Tsula Adohi performing health checks?
A: We require parents to take their child’s temperature every morning. If your child has any symptoms of being sick, please stay home for the safety of everyone. We also run an in-depth daily health check for staff and students at drop-off each day and provide temperature checks for anyone checking in who is not able to check prior to attendance that day.
Q: Hand washing?
A: We will provide hand sanitizer and/or hand-washing stations, working to make sure each student & staff uses them often throughout the day.
Q: Will students wear masks?
A: Through additional guidance provided by the CDC and Health Department, at this time masks will not be required indoors or outdoors. Our students will spend the greater portion of each day outside.
Q: What to do if you have been exposed to COVID-19?
A: Inform us as soon as possible if your child has been exposed to COVID-19 via immediate family or outside of immediate family so we can take further steps. All reports of exposure will be evaluated by Tsula Adohi staff on a case-by-case basis with guidance from the Department of Health.
Q: Will parents of our students be informed if another student has tested positive for COVID-19?
A: Yes. All families will be notified if one of our students has tested positive for COVID-19. The name(s) of students will be kept private.
Q: What if my child becomes ill or shows symptoms during the school day?
A: We will sit with your child in a secluded place on the farm. We will reach out to parents by phone so that they can come get them. If we cannot reach you by telephone, we will call the person/people that are on the emergency pick up list for the student.
Q: When should my child be kept home and not attend Tsula Adohi Nature School?
Your child should stay home when they have any of the following symptoms. These symptoms are not necessarily related to COVID-19 and can be related to any other type of illness. A child will not be allowed to return to school until they experience 48 hours of no fever without the use of fever reduction medicines.
- Persistent heavy or disruptive cough
- Exhibiting chills and/or fever related to an elevated body temperature of 100.4° F or higher
- Unknown rash
- Pink eye
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Diarrhea or nausea
- Discoloration in discharge from eyes or nose that is unrelated to seasonal allergies
- Aching muscles, headache, sore throat, or a lack of smell or taste