We are a group of like hearted individuals from diverse backgrounds focused on building community through art, appropriate technology, open source, our indigenous ancestral skills, education, regenerative ecology, and holistic systems thinking.
We are currently in the planning and design phase of our farm located in Bon Aqua, Tennessee. Over the coming months and years we will employ regenerative techniques to build out gardens, places of sanctuary, and community.
Tsula Adohi Nature School is located on our farm. You can find out more about our school and our programs by clicking here.


- To move from wasteful to regenerative use of our resources through design and appropriate technology.
- To use and develop ecologically sound appropriate technologies for water, waste, energy, construction, and other essential systems.
- To actuate local and global change through learning, teaching, and outreach.
- To practice healthy, holistic lifestyles that balance self-care with care for others.