Week 7 at Tsula Adohi – Autumn Semester 2022
This week was a challenge due to the weather. Kids need exercise, but when it’s over 100 degrees outside- what do we do? The answer: SLIP N SLIDE! We ended up pouring most of the soap we had in the entire school building to reduce friction, but it was WORTH IT!!! Soapy, happy kids were tired at the end of the day. Mission, accomplished!
The other solution for us: go to Bear Creek! Creek walks are always cooler, and the students enjoy so many activities, which include opening up the stream beds to direct water flow, searching for bones or other treasures, and exploring. We get MUDDY here, but it’s worth it! One student found an old jaw bone of an animal, and another found a rock with 300+ million-year-old fossils.

Due to the weather, we had to get creative indoors, and we did: one student taught an etiquette class, and Legos were introduced. Some students also created characters on the computer. We might have also watched the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory during lunchtime 🙂